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Information for Graduands

Find practical information about your graduation day, Saturday November 11, 2023!


Your reply to the ceremony and banquet is requested at www.hhs.se/bsc2023-rsvp no later than October 27. 

The Stockholm City Hall has limited capacity that we need to follow. Therefore, you may invite; 

  • 3 guests per graduand to the ceremony 
  • 1 guest per grauand to the banquet. 

After the RSVP day has passed, you will receive a confirmation by post together with entrance cards if you are bringing guests. 

Pronunciation of names at the ceremony
If you have experience of your name being pronounced incorrectly, send a name explanation to bachelorgraduation@hhs.se no later than October 27.

In case of impediment
If you are unable to participate at the diploma ceremony, you can pick up your diploma at the Stockholm School of Economics from November 15 or have it sent to you by post. Please indicate so in the RSVP-form. 

If you have applied for your BSc-degree, you can not choose to participate in next year's diploma ceremony. 

Rehearsal and roll-call, November 11

Entrance to the City Hall is located on Hantverkargatan 1 and opens at 14:30 for graduands. Cloakroom is located in the entrance hall. 

At 14:45 sharp, all graduands gather for a mandatory rehearsal in the Blue Hall. We will have a roll-call, rehearse the procession and a group photo will be taken, so it is important that you are on time!  

Diploma ceremony in the Blue Hall 

The doors will open at 16:15 for the guests and the seats must be taken no later than 16:50.

At 17:00, the graduands descends to the Blue Hall in procession, along with ushers. During the ceremony, there will be speeches and entertainment, and you will be called by name to receive your diploma from the SSE President. The graduation ceremony lasts until appr. 18:45.

Banquet in the Golden Hall 

The banquet will take place in the Golden Hall, where a three-course menu with wine will be served. After the banquet, the dance will start and coffee will be served in the Blue Hall.

Please note that you not need any entrance card to the banquet.

Cost for the banquet
The diploma ceremony is free of charge, but for those who want to participate in the banquet, the price is 2300 SEK per person

Payment for the banquet is made when you register/RSVP. Please note that registration is binding, and no refund can be made later than October 27, 2023.

Guests attending the banquet only are welcome to the City Hall from 19:00 

Request for seating arrangement at the banquet
You have the opportunity to express your wishes for seating arrangement at the banquet, by filling in a "table seating form" where you place yourself and your friends. The people you place must be informed, so that the same person does not appear on several different placement proposals. 
See the table seating form here, fill it in and send it together with any questions to klubbvardinna@sasse.se before October 27. 


City Hall photographer Slakthuset AB will document the entire day. Among other things, a group photo will be taken of all graduands in the Blue Hall, as well as individual photos of you when you receive your diplomas.
A few days after the graduation, you will receive an email with a link to the photos if you wish to purchase them.
Please note that the images can be used by the Stockholm School of Economics for marketing purposes. Read more about GDPR here and inform us at bachelorgraduation@hhs.se, if you not want photos of you to be published.

Dresscode and rental

For graduates and others guests that will attend the banquet, the dresscode is; evening dress, white vest and white bow tie, long dress, military mass costume or national costume.

For graduates who only attend the ceremony, the dresscode is dark suit. For guest who only attend the ceremony, everyday attire is required.

There will be no time for change so the graduands who come at 14.30 and will attend the banquet must be dressed for the evening from the beginning.

If you want to rent a white tie or long dress, the following rental companies may help you:

  • Brudgummen, Vattugatan 1. Mention SSE to get a discount!
    tel. 08 - 300 112. 
  • Månberg & Bagge Frack/Smoking (only white tie and suits), Drottninggatan 112.
    tel: 08-24 30 32. 
  • Östermalms Smoking & Frackuthyrning (only white tie and suits), Almlöfsgatan 3.
    tel. 08-660 28 29.