6444 resultat för " "
Teaching Sustainable Finance
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How can higher education institutions integrate sustainability issues in their finance programs? This report published by Misum offers practical tools and advice for universities to design courses...
Cass Sunstein on Nudging
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On January 11 Misum hosted Harvard Professor Cass Sunstein, together with Mette Morsing, Professor of Sustainable Markets at SSE, and Lucia Reisch, Professor from CBS. They spoke about behavioral...
Sustainable Socioeconomic Development
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This platform explores how sustainable practices can be introduced, maintained and improved within a market-based society.
What can we learn? Corporate Governance Research and Teaching at Lund University School of Economics and Management
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On February 4, 2014 Martin Blom and Matts Kärreman will present their research and current projects related to Corporate Governance. They will also present how Corporate Governance is taught at LUSEM...
Värdeskapande partnerskap för social inkludering
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Denna forskningsrapport undersöker fastighetsbranschens roll i partnerskap som arbetar för social inkludering i socio-ekonomiskt utsatta områden i Sverige.
Arbetare blir slit och släng-varor – igen
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Aftonbladet - 05 November 2020 - Pär Åhlström
Cross-sector partnerships as development agents
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In the second edition of Misum Academic Dialogues, Mette Morsing and Andreas Rasche discuss the rise in partnerships driven by the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, exemplifying through case...
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Misum Affiliated Researchers are involved in several ongoing research projects, both within their platform and in collaboration with other research institutes or industry partners. A selection of...
Nya trenden: Därför är företagen statens nya måltavla
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F+ - 18 February 2021 - Karl Wennberg
Digitala pengar ersätter kontanter
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Forskning & Framsteg - 30 april 2020 - Claire Ingram Bogusz