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Lin Lerpold - Associate Professor

Dr. Lin Lerpold is an Associate Professor at the Stockholm School of Economics in the Department of Marketing and Strategy. She is also Center Director for the Center for Research on Sustainable Markets (CRSM) in the Stockholm School of Economics Institute for Research (SIR) as well as a member of the board of SIR. Lin is currently the Program Director for RAMP 2018 and also a member the Swedish Chemicals Agency's Monitoring Board. Lin was the founding director of SSE's sustainability center, Mistra Center for Sustainable Markets (Misum). Before that, she served as the Associate Dean for SSE MBA programs and has been a Visiting Fellow at the LSE, Center for the Studies of Human Rights and Visiting Professor at INSEAD, Strategy Department. 

Lin teaches strategic corporate social responsibility and sustainability management in graduate level degree programs as well as in open executive education and internal corporate programs. In 2016, 2017 and 2018 Lin was ranked as one of the most influential in Sustainability Sweden (Aktuell Hållbarhet, Hållbarhetsmäktiga) and in both 2017 and 2018 she was named as one of the most influential women in Swedish business in the category Social Change Makers (Veckans Affärer). Before completing her PhD at the Institute of International Business at the SSE, Lin worked 10 years in corporate strategy in the international oil industry.

Lin's research is current focused on understanding social capital in the integration of immigrants in the tourism industry and on global governance issues. She has previously conducted research business models at the base of the pyramid, for instance, microfinance for poverty alleviation; social innovation, the ongoing corporatization of civil society; and on global supply chains and human rights. She’s also worked on an Indonesia project evaluating pro-poor employment diagnostics and has conducted fieldwork on mainland China within the electronics industry and in South Africa on mining projects

Selected publications:

Borglund, T., De Geer, H., Sweet, S., Frostenson, M., Lerpold, L., Nordbrand, S., Sjöström, E., & Windell, K., 2017. CSR and Sustainable Business, Stockholm: Sanoma Utbildning.

Kallifatides, M. & L. Lerpold. 2017. Sustainable Development and Business, (eds.). Stockholm School of Economics Institute of Research. 

Lin Lerpold & Lena Zander, 2016. Making sense of changing hats: A study of the Nigeria, Vietnam, and Azerbaijan/Kazakhstan projects within the Norwegian Statoil and British BP Strategic alliance, Africa Journal of Management

Lerpold, L. 2012. The Contextualization of a Microfinance Model: From India to South Africa, Thunderbird International Business Review, 54(1): 117-128.

Romani L. & L. Lerpold. 2010. Microfinance and Poverty Alleviation: Underlying Values and Assumptions, in M. Munoz (ed.), Contemporary Micro-Enterprises: Concepts and Cases, London: Edward Elgar Publishing.

Lerpold, L. 2010. Social Capital and Model Replication, presented at the Annual International Sustainable Development Conference, Hong Kong.

Lerpold, L. & S. Nordbrand. 2010. Global Supply Chains and Human Rights, presented at the Academy of International Business, Rio De Janeiro.

Tengelin, U. & L. Lerpold. 2009. Non-Profit Schizophrenia. presented at the 13th Annual Conference on Corporate Reputation, Amsterdam.

Lerpold, L., D. Ravasi, J. Van Rekom & G. Soenen, 2007. Organizational Identity in Practice. Routledge Publishing.

Lerpold, L., P. Mårtenson, M. Mähring, & R. Teigland, 2005. “MBA Live gör europeiska MBA-utbildningar unika”. Management Magazine, 4.

Ph.D. Dissertation in Business Administration, Stockholm School of Economics (SSE), IIB: 2003. Reputation by Association: Exploring Alliance Formation and Organizational Identity Adaptation.

Zander, L. & L. Lerpold. 2002. Managing international alliance and acquisition integration. In M. Tayeb (ed.) International Management. London: Pearson Education

Lerpold, L. 2000. Lessons in alliance integration. European Business Forum, Issue 4, Winter