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Frequently asked questions

Application process:

How do I apply?

Our international students that has been admitted to Stockholm School of Economics will receive an email on how to apply for accommodation through the Housing Office.

Who can apply?

All international students at Stockholm School of Economics are eligible to apply for accommodation.

I have applied for accommodation. When will I receive an offer?

You will receive an offer as soon as the application process is done – you will be notified by email if you get an offer. The email will contain information about the type of accommodation, in what area, when is your first rent-payment due date, information about administrative fee etc.

How do I accept or decline an offer?

When you receive your offer there will be an end date on when to latest accept or decline our offer, you will do so by a returning email.



Can I cancel the lease agreement?

You have the right to use a 3-month notice; In the Stockholm School of Economics’ Housing agreement, it is stated that you must give notice to terminate the tenancy agreement minimum three (3) months ahead. If you wish to terminate the tenancy agreement before the end of the agreed time of expiry you are entitled to do so, but you must pay rents for three months, and the tenancy agreement will during that time remain in force. If you have pre-paid rent which covers the termination period, you will not be reimbursed. However, if the pre-payment covers a longer period beyond the termination period you are entitled to receive reimbursement for that pre-paid rent beyond the termination period. You still need to give notice to terminate the agreement to start the termination period.

Can I extend the lease agreement?

As we have a high demand on all our accommodations this in nothing that we can guarantee but you are always welcome to send us an email and ask ssehousing@hhs.se


Rent and payments:

How do I pay rent?

You can read more about the process here.

What is included in the rent?

Heating, cold water, hot water, household electricity, cleaning of stairwell, internet (not Liljeholmen), furniture and free access to Laundry room.

Can I get my administrative fee back?

No, that fee is to cover the cost for our manual administrative work, it is non-refundable.



How do I report a problem in my accommodation?

Please use the email address SSEFaultReport@hhs.se

Can I bring my own furniture/electrical appliances?

All accommodations is fully furnished and we have no storage possibility, please send us an email ssehousing@hhs.se with your request and we will guide you.

Are pets allowed in the accommodation?

Pets are not permitted in any of our accommodations or common areas.


Arrival and departure:

When and where can I pick up my keys?

You will receive an email once the application process is done with information about where and when to pick up your key. You must show a passport or a valid identification card (with a photo). Information about how many and what type of keys you will receive will be informed the day you sing your lease.

When moving out you must return all keys to the Housing Office.

What do I need to think about before my departure?

We have gathered all information that you need, such as information on cleaning, inspections and key return in our moving out guide that we will provide to our tenants before departure day.



Security Information

  • Remember to never let any strangers into the building or into your corridor
  • Never leave any windows open if you are not at home for security reasons
  • Always lock the door to your accommodation (even if you are home) for security reasons
  • If you need to talk to the police in a non-urgent matter please call 114 14. If you calling from an international phone number, call +4677 114 14 00.
  •  If there is an emergency concerning your own or another person’s safety please call 112