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Minor Field Studies

The SIDA-funded minor field study (MFS) program gives students at Swedish colleges and universities the opportunity to do a smaller field study on site in a developing country as part of the thesis writing. The program aims to prepare for work on global development issues and is primarily aimed at students who are interested in issues related to the UN's 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the new Swedish Government’s thematic priorities under the new reform agenda for development assistance.

Issues related, for example, to eradicating poverty and hunger, realizing human rights for all, achieving gender equality, ensuring the protection of the planet and its resources, education, economic growth and productive employment, sustainable industry, innovation and infrastructure, and sustainable cities and communities.

During at least eight of the following weeks, material and documentation are collected for degree projects at Bachelor's or Master's level.

Who can apply? 

Students who are to write their thesis from all subject specializations from SSE and from other colleges and universities in Sweden are welcome to apply. However, all projects should have a social science focus and preferably also be related to the economic disciplines, in order to be assessed in a factual and fair manner. A condition for the scholarship is, of course, that the thesis focuses on developing countries and development issues.

MFS Preparation Course 

The scholarship holder should complete a mandatory MFS preparation course provided by SSE. Supplementary country information is provided during the course. Otherwise, the scholarship holder must have all the necessary prior knowledge before departure. Adequate health is a requirement.


The report must at least correspond to what is required for a degree project at the Stockholm School of Economics. An approved report must be submitted to HHS (att: Elizabeth Briggs/Scholarships) no later than one month after the visit or latest May 31, 2025.

In brief, the necessary conditions for being considered for a scholarship are as follows: 

  • ... that the entry requirements are met 
  • ... that there is a detailed and realistic project plan
  • ... that the applicant has a supervisor from SSE for the assignment
  • ... that the applicant has a supervisor at the place where the assignment is carried out