21 June 2017
NEW PAPER PUBLISHED (2017-06-21): Misum´s Enrico Fontana´s paper "Strategic CSR: a panacea for profit and altruism? An empirical study among executives in the Bangladeshi RMG supply chain" is published in European Business Review.
webcast: Central banks and sustainability
20 June 2017
Watch this webcast from a seminar with Misum´s Max Jerneck at Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI) on Monday June 19, 2017.
The Stockholm School of Economics launches a research school in retailing
20 June 2017
The Center for Retailing (CFR) at the Stockholm School of Economics is starting a postgraduate research program that will strengthen retail research both nationally and internationally.
The Russian Economy – Stagnation or Modernization?
20 June 2017
The Stockholm Institute of Transition Economics (SITE), the Swedish Defence Research Agency (FOI) and the Swedish Institute of International Affairs (UI) jointly organized a day’s conference on the 13th of June on the topic of the Russian economy. It brought together a number of distinguished lecturers and guests for a discussion on the economy's current and future state in Russia.
16 June 2017
Douglas Stark will take over as Executive Director of SSE Business Lab on July 1 and at the end of the year the Lab will relocate to the A-House, the former premises of the school of Architecture.
Kenth Skogsvik received research grant from Handelsbanken’s research foundations
14 June 2017
Kenth Skogsvik has together with SSE colleagues Peter Jennergen, Henrik Andersson, Stina Skogsvik and Håkan Thorsell received a research grant of 2,5 MSEK from Handelsbanken’s research foundations.
Handelshögskolan startar forskarskola inom detaljhandel
13 June 2017
Center for Retailing vid Handelshögskolan i Stockholm startar en forskarskola som kommer att stärka detaljhandelsforskningen både nationellt och internationellt.
Handelshögskolans rektor, Lars Strannegård gästar DI's ledarskapspodd
12 June 2017
Handelshögskolans rektor, Lars Strannegård, avslöjar bland annat att han gör chefsmisstag hela tiden när gästar Dagens Industris ledarskapspodd Förnuft & Känsla.
Per Åhblom successfully defended his dissertation
08 June 2017
Congratulations to Per Åhblom who on June 8th successfully defended his thesis:
"The Financial Performance - A study of how financial numbers become meaningful."
Stockholm School of Economics recruits leading international researcher to new Wallenberg chair
07 June 2017
Professor Sarah Jack from Lancaster University becomes the first holder of the Jacob and Marcus Wallenberg Chair in Sustainable and Innovative Business Development.