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SSE MBA Student receives the Global Swede Award

17 May 2017
Miranda Restorick, a student enrolled at the SSE MBA Executive Format, is one of the international top students who received the Global Swede Award 2017 .

Misums Max Jerneck i DN Kultur: "Bota klimatångesten med ny industripolitik"

17 May 2017
Misum-forskaren Max Jerneck skriver idag (den 17 maj 2017)  på DN Kultur ett svar på kulturchefen Björn Wimans krönika "Finns det is på nordpolen? Ja, och pessimisten är populistens bästa vän". 

International business school cooperation focusES on reduction of food waste

16 May 2017
To develop MSc students’ understanding of wicked problems and global challenges, the course “The world in the making: Tackling world problems” has been developed in collaboration with USI Lugano, Switzerland, Hanken School of Economics in Finland, and Stockholm School of Economics (SSE). The cooperation has also included the International Food Waste Coalition (IFWC) and Sodexo Sweden.

SITE seminar on Russian reforms

15 May 2017
The Stockholm Institute of Transition Economic (SITE) has the pleasure to invite you to a seminar on Wednesday 24 May, 13.15-15.00 with Stephen Fortescue, University of New South Wales Visiting Fellow, Centre for European Studies, Australian National University and SITE’s director Torbjörn Becker.

SSE Executive Education #1 in the Nordic and Baltic region – again

15 May 2017
In Financial Times’ international ranking of business schools for management and leadership development, SSE Executive Education keeps its top position within the Nordic and Baltic region. And climbs on the international level.

Sara Rosengren Has been awarded the professorship donated by the Association of Ica Retailers

12 May 2017
Sara Rosengren is the first to be awarded the professorship donated by the Association of Ica Retailers.

SSE receives a generous donation from the Association of Ica Retailers

10 May 2017
In connection to their 100th anniversary, Ica handlarnas förbund has donated 50 million SEK to a professorship at SSE.

Handelshögskolan är topplacerad bland Sveriges mest internationella lärosäten

09 May 2017
Handelshögskolan är topplacerad för andra året i rad som ett av Sveriges mest internationella lärosäten när Stiftelsen för internationalisering av högre utbildning och forskning, STINT, idag presenterar sitt årliga internationaliseringsindex.

Salesforce joins the Corporate Partnership Program

09 May 2017
We are proud to present Salesforce as our latest partner in our Corporate Partnership Program.

Invitation to attend SITE Development day 2017: Financing for development

08 May 2017
The Stockholm Institute of Transition Economics (SITE) and the Swedish Ministry for Foreign Affairs have the pleasure to invite you the Development Day 2017 conference on May 31 at the Stockholm School of Economics.