SSE MBA Executive Format 2016
27 January 2016
January 25 marked the first stage of an 18-month journey for a new cohort of MBA students at the Stockholm School of Economics. These 49 participants are enrolled in the SSE MBA Executive Format 2016 program, an intense learning experience that prepares participants to build, lead and improve organizations.
New exhibition by Goldin+Senneby at SSE
26 January 2016
A new art exhibition is opening at the Stockholm School of Economics when two pieces by the artist duo Goldin+Senneby are moving into the school’s library. The pieces explore the world of finance and the mechanisms behind from a new perspective.
News shocks and the US business cycle
25 January 2016
News shocks can be considered among the main drivers of the US business cycle since the 1980s because they explain most of the fluctuations in the economy, Paola Di Casola concludes in a chapter of her PhD thesis at The Stockholm School of Economics.
International research project SEFORÏS has surveyed over 1000 directors of social enterprises
15 January 2016
The Stockholm Institute of Transition Economics (SITE) is one of the 10 research institutes participating in the SEFORÏS project which aims to better understand the role that social enterprises play in Europe and beyond in the development and evolution of inclusive and innovative societies.
Apply for the Carl Silfvén Scholarship at the Swedish Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong
14 January 2016
The scholarship is reserved for students with a degree from SSE. Applicants must therefore already have a degree from SSE or have completed their SSE degree
before the Scholarship period begins in September 2016.
SSE establishes a professorship and a new center with the support of the Wallenberg Foundations
13 January 2016
Made possible by donations from the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation and the Marianne and Marcus Wallenberg Foundation, the Stockholm School of Economics is now establishing a professorship with the title “The Jacob and Marcus Wallenberg Chair in Innovative and Sustainable Business Development” and a new research center associated with that professorship.
Dahl Sverige new member in the SSE Corporate Partnership Program
12 January 2016
Dahl Sweden is the leading heating, ventilation and sanitation technology wholesaler in Sweden and we are pleased to welcome them to our Corporate Partnership Program.
Startup at SSE Business Lab in the limelight
21 December 2015
During one single week the SSE Business Lab startup BuildSafe was awarded The Stockholm Innovation Scholarship, Venture Cup Öst and Årets Unga Affärsidé, Solna.
Rekryteringsärende på IFL 2013
21 December 2015
I den senaste artikeln i DN finns ett antal faktafel och Handelshögskolan blir på falska grunder anklagade för brott.
Mattia Bianchi awarded the Corporate Partnership Program’s Research Award for 2015
18 December 2015
Mattia Bianchi has been awarded the Corporate Partnership Program’s Research Award for 2015 at the Stockholm School of Economics. The prize constitutes an award of SEK 100,000 from the Stockholm School of Economics’ corporate partners and was presented during the Corporate Partners’ Meeting.