Lars Strannegård in Financial Times
07 December 2015
The Deans column published today in Financial Times is written by Lars Strannegård on the lessons of Alfred Nobel.
Handelskvinnor: "Sluta göra oss till offer"
04 December 2015
I en debattartikel i Veckans Affärer skriver kvinnliga studenter och alumner att de har tröttnat på att pekas ut som offer. "Skolan är förmodligen en av landets främsta hubbar för kvinnor på ledande positioner."
Master Thesis Award to Accounting Students
03 December 2015
On November 23 two graduates of the Master Program in Accounting and Financial Management, Sebastian Anesten and Niclas Möller, were awarded the Söderberg Partner Prize for best master thesis in finance. Niclas and Sebastian wrote their thesis "Complex Parsimony in Equity Valuation – An Empirical Assessment of Model Design and the Incremental Effects of Complexity" under the supervision of Professor Kenth Skogsvik in the spring of 2015. Congratulations Niclas and Sebastian!
Henning Christner Awarded Wallander Scholarship
30 November 2015
Henning Christner, at the Department of Accounting, has been awarded the Wallander scholarship from Handelsbanken Forskningsstiftelser. Henning defended his thesis "The Valuable Organisation" on June 12. Congratulations Henning!
Scientific betting may reveal research results that are too good to be true
30 November 2015
Research results that cannot be replicated are a problem in all fields of research. In an international project, researchers at the Stockholm School of Economics have now demonstrated that betting on scientific results could be a way to diminish this problem.
An uncertain environment increases willingness to cooperate
27 November 2015
Cooperation increases in an environment where the risk of disasters and setbacks is substantial. With different levels and types of uncertainties surrounding a disaster, cooperation is higher in countries with different disaster risk exposures - Sweden, South Africa, and the Philippines.
Investigation concluded, work continues
25 November 2015
The Stockholm School of Economic’s investigation regarding the volations of Section 2 of the Disciplinary regulations, in connection with the “heckling” that took place prior to the 2015 elections to the board of the student union, has now been concluded. The temporary suspensions have been lifted and the affected students have received a warning in accordance with the sanctions prescribed in Section 3 of the Disciplinary regulations.
Public procurement: Same rules, different behavior?
25 November 2015
Elena Paltseva, researcher at the Stockholm Institute of Transition Economics (SITE) and Giancarlo Spagnolo, professor of Economics at University of Rome II and senior researcher at SITE, in their research on public procurement have found out that different types of contracting authorities exhibit rather different behavior. This suggests that the type of public buyer, and associated differences in incentives and outcomes, should be taken into consideration in designing procurement regulation and more general policy-making.
SSE cracks down on unhealthy traditions
23 November 2015
Last week, we were dismayed to find that the “heckling” in connection with elections to the board of the student union at the Stockholm School of Economics included crude and sexist comments. The management of the Stockholm School of Economics takes a very serious view of the jargon that these comments exemplify.
PhD student among the most influential figures in the Swedish retail sector
23 November 2015
Nina Åkestam, PhD Student at the Department of Marketing and Strategy at the Stockholm School of Economics, has been ranked as one of the most influential and powerful persons in the Swedish retail sector by the publications Market and Icanyheter.