Sweden remains the world's fourth happiest country – and it affects us more than we think
20 March 2025
Today is the International Day of Happiness, a UN initiative to highlight the importance of well-being. It’s also the day the World Happiness Report is released – the global ranking of the happiest countries. And once again, Sweden holds its place at the top, securing fourth place out of 147 nations, just behind our Nordic neighbors Finland, Denmark, and Iceland. But what does this ranking actually mean for Swedes? And why is it something to celebrate?
European wellbeing affected by U.S. election, study finds
05 December 2024
The U.S. presidential election doesn’t just have a huge impact on Americans – it affects wellbeing across Europe as well. A new study from the Stockholm School of Economics shows that happiness, life satisfaction, and optimism in Europe all shifted in response to the election outcome, mirroring American trends.
Art and health in focus among SSE’s entrepreneurs: 10 new startups admitted to SSE Business Lab
14 October 2024
SSE has a long-standing commitment to both culture and wellbeing. These efforts are now becoming evident at the School’s startup incubator: more than half of the new ideas are focused around art and health.
SHL and SSE in unique research collaboration on hockey, fan culture, and happiness
09 October 2024
How does hockey contribute to the wellbeing, sense of community, and happiness of both individuals and society? A new research collaboration between the Swedish Hockey League (SHL) and the Stockholm School of Economics’ Center for Wellbeing, Welfare and Happiness will follow 5,000 hockey fans through both wins and losses in order to understand how the hockey league and its clubs affect wellbeing and welfare.
"Happyflation": Taylor Swift made Stockholmers significantly happier, new study shows
02 September 2024
Can a visit from a world-famous artist make a whole city happier – even those who didn’t go to the concerts? Taylor Swift's Eras Tour didn't just draw record crowds – it also made Stockholmers happier both before and after the concerts. This according to a new study about "Happyflation" from the Stockholm School of Economics.
New happiness course kicks off the academic year
02 September 2024
During two intense weekends in August, 256 newly admitted Bachelor students kicked off their academic journey with an intensive course in happiness and wellbeing. Organized by the Center for Wellbeing, Welfare, and Happiness (CWWH), the initiative aims to equip students with a mindset that will enhance their personal and academic lives, both during their time at SSE and in the future.
New bank partnership offers unique research opportunities in wellbeing and welfare
20 June 2024
What can we do to promote wellbeing, welfare, and happiness? Swedbank, the Savings Banks in Sweden, and the Center for Wellbeing, Welfare and Happiness at the Stockholm School of Economics are joining forces to enhance understanding of what builds wellbeing and to establish new, more human perspectives on economics.
Stockholm School of Economics puts happiness on the curriculum for all new Bachelor students
15 May 2024
The Stockholm School of Economics is making a big commitment to promoting wellbeing among its students. Starting in August, the School will be the first in the world to offer all new bachelor students a crash course in happiness and wellbeing.