28 MSEK to new research program on digital innovation
16 October 2020
The Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation has awarded 28 MSEK to a new research program focused on digital innovation, combining scientific excellence with societal impact. The program will be conducted at the Swedish Center for Digital Innovation (SCDI), with nodes at the Stockholm School of Economics House of Innovation, Umeå University and the University of Gothenburg. SCDI partners with RISE Digital Innovation for the project.
The Next Step in Offline Retail at Swedish Match
14 October 2020
Swedish Match’s Retail Club had a workshop with a focus on offline retailing and reaching a new customer target group.
How can we make customers more aware of our sustainability story?
14 October 2020
H&M Retail Club had its first workshop with the task to find ways to better communicate their sustainability story on the product detail page.
Attracting and retaining valuable and crucial talent in the future IKEA business
14 October 2020
IKEA´s Retail Club had an online workshop on how to attract, hire and retain valuable and crucial talent in the future IKEA business.
Rejection and dehumanization when store employees break social norms during corona
14 October 2020
Employees who violate the social norms during the corona pandemic are seen as less competent and warm – and even less human, a new study from the Stockholm School of Economics shows. Anger, disgust and rejection as a response, however, makes it less likely that norm-violators change their behavior.
Auction theory – affects more of your life than you think
12 October 2020
This year’s Nobel Laureates in the Economic Sciences, Paul Milgrom and Robert Wilson, have improved auction theory and invented new auction formats, benefitting both sellers and buyers across the world. Auctions affect our everyday lives more than people realize, from climate change initiatives to broadband access, explains Assistant Professor Andreea Enache.
Join the Financing Sustainable Cities workshop series
12 October 2020
As part of the Smart City Business Event, this three-day workshop series will explore what barriers and possibilities presently exist in amplifying city innovations and enabling cities to reach their sustainability goals.
Economic research important during times of great change
09 October 2020
“Economic science is particularly relevant when society seeks to make major changes or is subject to large shocks,” says Professor Tore Ellingsen. On Monday he and colleague Per Strömberg are two of the experts selecting this year's winner of the Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel.
Läs om psykologi och lyckas bättre på börsen
07 October 2020
Många småsparare brukar reagera utifrån psykologiska faktorer och blir mer riskbenägna om de ”står inför en upplevd förlust”. De brukar också agera likt den stora flocken på börsen, säger ekonomiprofessorn Richard Wahlund till Omni Ekonomi.
No fail-safe recipe for international e-commerce
07 October 2020
Online sales have taken off during the COVID-19 pandemic, and for many small and medium enterprises in Sweden, the international market promises new and sorely needed customer groups. But there isn’t a fool-proof way for success on the international market, researchers at SSE’s Center for Retailing explain.