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Workshop with Skincity on Black Friday promotions

07 October 2020
The Axel Johnson Retail Club had a workshop with Skincity, one of the group’s companies, regarding Black Friday promotions.

How to stay relevant in the 2020 retail landscape?

07 October 2020
The workshop was about the future of Clas Ohlson and how they stay relevant in new market conditions.

Those most negatively impacted by COVID-19

07 October 2020
Although anyone is at risk, some groups are more susceptible to the effects of COVID-19 than others.

Det nya normala - hållbarhetsfrågorna efter pandemin

07 October 2020

DN Debatt: ”Sveriges invandrare drabbas hårdast av coronakrisen”

07 October 2020
DEBATT 27/3. Fyra ekonomiforskare: Det behövs stora insatser om vi ska undvika en ohållbar integrations- och arbetsmarknadssituation efter pandemin. Redan nu vet vi att coronakrisen kommer att leda till stora utmaningar för de mest utsatta i samhället och många invandrare är i en särskilt svår situation.

Debatt: Pandemin kräver ökat samarbete mellan stat och näringsliv för fossilfri produktion och konsumtion

07 October 2020
Staten har med anledning av coronapandemin tilldelat näringslivet stora resurser och på osedvanligt kort tid ändrat i vissa regelsystem. När det nu är dags för omstart kan det aldrig bli fråga om återgång till ”business as usual”. Det skriver Sven-Olof Junker och Lars-Gunnar Mattsson som båda är kopplade till Handelshögskolan i Stockholm.

Timely student communication and sharing the recipe for a great teacher

07 October 2020
The pandemic forced teachers, professors, lecturers and other pedagogues to adapt their courses and their teaching to online education. Someone doing this with a top result is Assistant professor Dong Yan who has been awarded SSE’s diploma for Outstanding Pedagogical Achievement for autumn 2020.

Öppet seminarium vid Score

06 October 2020
Torsdag 8 oktober kl. 10.00-11.30 håller Kerstin Jacobsson, professor i sociologi vid Göteborgs universitet, ett öppet seminarium vid Score. Varmt välkommen att delta via Zoom!

H&M Theme Lecture on business planning in practice

06 October 2020
H&M had a theme lecture with focus on business planning and building a long-term vision for their Kids Wear.

No fail-safe recipe for international e-commerce

06 October 2020
Online sales have taken off during the COVID-19 pandemic, and for many small and medium enterprises in Sweden, the international market promises new and sorely needed customer groups. But there isn’t a fool-proof way for success on the international market, researchers at SSE’s Center for Retailing explain.