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Comparison of Nordic countries

21 April 2020
There is much discussion about the different policy responses in the Nordic countries and the resulting economic impact. Finnish public service YLE has put together an article (in Swedish) summarizing available data for the Nordic countries.


21 April 2020
SITE at Stockholm School of Economics and the LSE Institute of Global Affairs organizes a webinar with leading scholars about early lessons from Sweden's approach to COVID-19 on April 22.

Take-home exam challenges students to hack the corona crisis

20 April 2020
Just a few weeks before the exam of the course Global Challenges was to take place, the new Corona virus spread quickly around the globe and brought with it a sudden global economic downturn. The exam had to be adapted to a take-home exam and this generated new and innovative results.

Op-Ed in Aftenposten

20 April 2020
SSE-CERN network members publish an article in the Norwegian newspaper Aftenposten arguing that mass testing has large potential economic benefits.

New research project: leadership in times of Covid-19

17 April 2020
This new research project investigates the experiences of leading and managing organizations during the corona virus pandemic, and the societal circumstances that follows in the attempts to limit the spread of the disease. The project follows a number of managers operating in different sectors and countries, and documents their experiences in real time.

Mycket stor ökning av sökande till våra kandidatprogram

17 April 2020
Antalet ansökningar till Handelshögskolans två kandidatprogram, Business and Economics och Retail Management, ökar stort jämfört med föregående år. Ökningen för Business and Economics är 15 procent och för Retail Management 26 procent.

Leadership in a crisis – new student podcast

17 April 2020
Leadership is difficult even during stable and predictable times. Leadership in a crisis is the quintessential leadership challenge. SSE Master students aim to shine a light on different dimensions of crisis leadership.

Stores of the future

15 April 2020
Coop's Retail Club had an online workshop about how future shopping in physical stores will look like, insights that are highly useful when establishing new stores with long contracts.

Career Module with ICA

15 April 2020
ICA ́s Retail Club had the career module with the second-year students. It was run digitally.

The shock effects of the pandemic and the authoritarian threat

15 April 2020
Six months after the corona virus first appeared, the world economy is entering a deep economic crisis that could result in political power shifts at global level. The absence of leadership in the US and the EU gives China and Russia increased confidence and leeway, according to Torbjörn Becker and co-author Martin Kragh in their latest chronicle published at Utrikesmagasinet.