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Öppet seminarium vid Score: Donal Casey

10 February 2020
Torsdag 20 februari håller Donal Casey från Kent Law School, University of Kent, ett öppet seminarium. Välkommen!

SSE President: Philanthropy on the rise

10 February 2020
Are we seeing a rise in philanthropy in Sweden? Lars Strannegård, president of the Stockholm School of Economics, sees a rising trend in donations to the School as well as to other organizations and initiatives.

Vacancy: Are you Misum's new Director of Stakeholder Engagement?

05 February 2020
Misum is entering a new phase to disseminate research results and accelerate collaborations between SSE scholars, business partners and other societal stakeholders, to tackle key challenges and implement solutions for sustainable markets in practice. We are looking for a sustainability professional who is dedicated to communication and understands both the scientific and the corporate world.

A European education without borders

03 February 2020
Courses spanning countries, and cooperation between culture, community and companies. A new initiative from the European Commission is set on reshaping the educational landscape in Europe and strengthening the European identity among its young citizens. What does it mean for the students and faculty at the Stockholm School of Economics?

Building on experience – new participants start the Executive MBA

31 January 2020
As organizations grow and change with the times, so do their leaders. 48 new MBA participants have just started their Executive MBA at Stockholm School of Economics.

Post Doc Position at EIJS

29 January 2020
We would like to announce the opening of a Post Doc position at the European Institute of Japanese Studies at Stockholm School of Economics. This is a 1-year scholarship funded position, with the possibility of another year extension. We are preferably looking for someone interested in the fields of International Business, Economic Geography, Business and Management, Business and Strategy or Japan’s Political Economy. We encourage research interest in any of the respective following areas:

Öppet seminarium vid Score: Francis Lee

29 January 2020
Torsdag 6 februari håller Francis Lee, Score Fellow och docent vid Institutionen för idé- och lärdomshistoria, Uppsala universitet ett öppet seminarium. Välkommen!

Misum-forskaren Sophie Nachemson-Ekwall om sociala obligationer i EFN tv

28 January 2020
Handelshögskolans Sophie Nachemson-Ekwall lyfter fram vikten av att inkludera även sociala mål i hållbara investeringar.

Theme Lecture with COOP

28 January 2020
Coop offered a theme lecture to all retail management students about the application of machine learning on business problems.

Förpackningar krymper men inte priset

27 January 2020
Köpte du precis en liter rapsolja, eller 0,9 liter rapsolja? Fick du med dig 200 gram chips från butiken eller 180 gram?Tidningen Råd & Rön har tittat närmare på fenomenet krympflation, vilket innebär att förpackningar minskar i volym men priset på varan förblir intakt.