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Misums Max Jerneck i Sveriges Radios Vetenskapsradion

05 December 2018
Ena hälften av årets Ekonomipris till Nobels minne går till William Nordhaus som tagit in klimatförändringarna i sina ekonomiska modeller. Men hans ekonomiska modeller har både prisats och kritiserats. Lyssna till bland andra Misums Max Jerneck i Sveriges Radios Vetenskapsradions avsnitt "Det kritiserade ekonomipriset", sänt den 5 december 2018.

Vad händer om människor exponeras för fula saker?

05 December 2018
Den nya avhandlingen Marketing with benefits av Stefan Szugalski, forskare vid Handelshögskolan i Stockholm, besvarar frågor som: Varför vill människor ha det som är vackert? Vad händer om människor exponeras för fula saker? Avhandlingen består av fem artiklar och kan användas som en verktygslåda för marknadsförare som vill skapa marknadsföring med positiva effekter för både företag och samhälle.

Financial Times highlights SSE's acceleration program for refugees

05 December 2018
Financial Times has interviewed Lana Haddad, a refugee from Syria and one of the participants in SSE's general management program for newcomers (RAMP), who quickly found a way to a new career in Sweden. Our RAMP project aims to increase diversity in Swedish industry and help newcomers to a fast track into the Swedish job market.

The Swedish Student Manifesto: Interview with SSE student Ylvali Busch

04 December 2018
On December 3, the Swedish Student Manifesto was published in DN Debatt, a call-to-action where students from seven Swedish universities and university colleges demand climate responsibility from their future employers. One of the students who signed the manifesto is Ylvali Busch, who is in her second year at the Stockholm School of Economics.

Data analytics initiative at the Stockholm School of Economics

04 December 2018
Every day, we consume and generate data – in our business roles, private lives and in between. But why is this important? How will data, analytics and artificial intelligence shape the future? Understanding and working with data is key to how organizations, large and small, make and measure their impact, and data collected for scientific research is what allows us to progress.

Lokala entreprenörer i utsatta områden skapar framtidstro

04 December 2018
Misumforskaren Ingrid Stigzelius studerar i projektet Shared value hur företag kan gynna social hållbarhet i utsatta områden. Samarbete är enligt henne den viktigaste faktorn för företag som vill engagera sig i områden där de är verksamma, genom till exempel byggprojekt.

Christoph Schneider successfully defended his PHD dissertation

03 December 2018
On November 30th, Christoph Schneider successfully defended his dissertation: "Open Book Accounting and Resource Interdependencies: The Case of Capital Equipment Sales"

SSE researcher Sarah Jack takes on Leadership Role at distinguished Academy of Management

30 November 2018
Professor Sarah Jack at the House of Innovation has been elected to a 5-year leadership position with the Entrepreneurship (ENT) Division of the Academy of Management.

Smarta Samtal # 19

30 November 2018

SEMINAR: Making the Global Financial System Work for All

29 November 2018
The Stockholm Institute of Transition Economics (SITE) and the Stockholm Sustainable Finance Centre (SSFC) have the pleasure to invite you to a presentation of the report Making the Global Financial System Work for All on Friday December 14 by Erik Berglöf, London School of Economics and Political Science (former EBRD Chief Economist), and with comments by Karolina Ekholm, Deputy Minister of Finance, and Magnus Lennartsson, Deputy Director General, Global Agenda Department, Ministry for Foreign Affairs.