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Do social science research findings published in Nature and Science replicate?

27 August 2018
Replications of 21 high-profile social science findings demonstrate challenges for reproducibility of research published in the most prestigious scientific journals. The replication effect magnitudes were about 50% smaller than the original studies, and 8 of the 21 replications failed to find significant evidence for the original finding. Researchers betting in prediction markets were very accurate in predicting which findings would replicate and which would not. The limited reproducibility highlights the importance of improving science policies and practices to improve research credibility. The study is published today in Nature Human Behaviour and is a large international collaboration involving researchers from for instance the Stockholm School of Economics.

SSE hosts the 14th Workshop on European Financial Reporting

24 August 2018
The workshop, on August 30-31, offers an opportunity for the meeting of academics and practitioners from all over Europe who are interested in recent developments and trends on financial reporting in Europe, with a specific focus on regulation and harmonization due to recent international developments.

Journal Article

22 August 2018

Bloomberg highlights SSE’s executive program for newcomers to Sweden

21 August 2018
Our RAMP project aims to increase diversity in Swedish industry and help newcomers to a fast track into the Swedish job market. Bloomberg Businessweek writes about the successful project it in a recent article.

Artikel i DN: Bara ett nytt sätt att tänka kan hindra att vår civilisation går bankrutt

21 August 2018
Klimatförändringarna kräver inte bara att vi stoppar utsläppen av koldioxid, utan också att vi lyckas skapa nya relationer mellan ekonomi, politik, biologi, vetenskap och kultur. Björn Wiman (DN) möter ett exempel på Handelshögskolan i Stockholm.

New study connecting environmental degradation and tax havens

13 August 2018
A new study lead by Victor Galaz from Stockholm Resilience Center at Stockholms universitet, connected to Misum and SSE via our MFS-program on sustainable finance, shows connections between global environmental degradation and tax havens.

Sara Rosengren on How the Summer Heat Affects Different Businesses

07 August 2018
Sara Rosengren comments on how the summer heat affects different businesses in P1 Morgon.


04 July 2018

SSE's participation in Almedalsveckan

28 June 2018
Researchers from the Stockholm School of Economics are taking part in a wide range of topics and public debate during Almedalsveckan 2018.

Misum i almedalen: hållbar konsumtion, hållbar arkitektur och effektivt partnerskap för samhällsengagemang

27 June 2018
Välkommen att lyssna till Misum-forskare i Almedalen: Örjan Sjöberg om hållbar konsumtion och samhällsbyggande och Jennie Perzon om effektivt partnerskap för samhällsengagemang.