"On the price of morals" - new paper from Misum/Mistra Financial Systems
03 October 2016
“On the Price of Morals in Markets: An Empirical Study of the Swedish AP-Funds and the Norwegian Government Pension Fund”
Graduation of the SSE MBA 2015 cohort
28 September 2016
On Saturday September 24 the SSE MBA graduation was held in the auditorium. In total 45 students from the SSE MBA 2015 cohort received their diploma from the president of SSE, Professor Lars Strannegård.
Welcome to a seminar by Prof. Mark Fenton-O'Creevy
28 September 2016
During this seminar, Prof. Fenton-O'Creevy plans to present and discuss: “Emotions and financial decision-making, lessons from the field”.
Sara Rosengrens krönika på Resumé
27 September 2016
Läs Sara Rosengrens krönika på Resumé, där hon resonerar kring framtidens reklam.
Stockholm School of Economics is Sweden's most international University
26 September 2016
According to the Swedish Foundation for International Cooperation in Research and Higher Education (STINT), which today published its Internationalisation Index, the Stockholm School of Economics is Sweden’s most international university.
K-A Bonnier International Fellows Program launched in Singapore
22 September 2016
The K-A Bonnier International Fellow Program is initiated by the Karl-Adam Bonnier Foundation in corporation with the Stockholm School of Economics and the National University of Singapore to provide exciting opportunities for students with a passion for international entrepreneurship, and to promote business activites between the Nordic Countries and Southeast Asia.
Misums filosof Joakim Sandberg på Bokmässan
22 September 2016
Fråga filosofen: Går pengar och etik ihop? Lyssna till Misums Joakim Sandberg i samtal med Joanna Rose, redaktör på Modern Filosofi, på Bokmässan i Göteborg. 22 september kl 10.30-10.50 på Forskartorget/Lilla Scenen (B-hallen).
Ny forskning pekar på behovet av flexibilitet i offentlig upphandling
21 September 2016
Gabriel Karlberg, forskare vid institutionen för redovisning och finansiering vid Handelshögskolan i Stockholm, presenterar sin avhandling: ”Styrning av outsourcad offentlig service – en balansakt mellan fasthet och flexibilitet”.
Professor Erik Meyersson's research on military coups featured in Bloomberg
18 September 2016
Do military coups affect economic growth? Research by Assistant Professor Erik Meyersson of the Stockholm Institute of Transition Economics and Stockholm School of Economics has been mentioned in Bloomberg as the most comprehensive look on whether military coups affect economic growth.
Åke Freij receives Handelsbanken's doctoral scholarship
16 September 2016
Åke Freij has been awarded Handelsbanken's Doctoral Scholarship (Senska Handelsbankens doktorandstipendium).