SSE Professors co-authors in new book about Lean Management
12 August 2016
Magnus Mähring and Pär Åhlström, both Professors at the Department of Management and Organization at the Stockholm School of Economics have contributed in the new Routledge Companions book about Lean Management.
Russia’s Oil Dependence and the EU
10 August 2016
By Torbjörn Becker, SITE Working Paper
Statement on higher education in Turkey
09 August 2016
Stockholm School of Economics is a signatory of the Magna Charta Universitatum and, as such, with over 800 other universities, shares and supports a set of fundamental principles of academic freedom. A statement from The Magna Charta Observatory calls upon Turkish authorities to restore, guarantee and protect the institutional autonomy of universities and the academic freedom of academic staff and students.
Fraudulent emails from SSE address
08 August 2016
A large number of fraudulent emails have been sent out using the Career Services email address ( to companies and students around the world.
Traces of transition: Unfinished business 25 years down the road?
18 July 2016
New policy brief by Anders Olofsgård, Deputy Director at the Stockholm Institute of Transition Economics (SITE), and Associate Professor at the Stockholm School of Economics (SSE), and Evelina Bonnier, Ph.D. candidate at the SSE and research assistant at the SITE, reports on a discussion on the unfinished business of transition after the breakup of the Soviet Union.
New research explores the success of Swedish high-tech startup companies
11 July 2016
Stockholm currently has some of the most successful high-tech startup companies in the world. New findings from a research team at the Stockholm School of Economics suggest that infrastructure, networks, business climate and supportive policies are key factors that explain Sweden’s success. The research report is part of the Innovative Internet project, funded by the Internet Foundation in Sweden, IIS.
Jakten på ett nytt Spotify startar hos SSE Business Lab
08 July 2016
Följ med Dagens Industri Weekend bakom kulisserna när SSE Business Labs "drakpanel" träffar unga entreprenörer.
Ingalill Holmberg i panelen för Chef i Almedalen 2016
06 July 2016
Utgångspunkten i diskussionen var att digitaliseringen driver på förändringar i affärsmodeller och arbetssätt.
Professor Jörgen Weibull speaks at the World Bank conference “The State of Economics, The State of the World”
23 June 2016
The conference was held on June 8-9 and brought together some of the leading figures who have played a role in shaping contemporary economics to do a major stocktaking of economics and also to look ahead at the challenge of global development .
SSE increases its engagement with China
20 June 2016
SSE aims to lift its international position within business, economics and law by offering educational opportunities to potential students. We have recently had several opportunities to interact with various Chinese organizations.