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Hysteresis in Price Efficiency and the Economics of Slow-moving Capital
Will arbitrage capital flow into markets experiencing shocks, mitigating adverse effects on price efficiency? Not necessarily. In a dynamic model with privately informed capital constrained...
9th National PhD Workshop in Finance: Call for Papers
The Swedish House of Finance (SHoF) will organize the 9th National Workshop for PhD students in Finance on November 17-18. The workshop offers students from Swedish academic institutions the...
New publication accepted: How Did COVID-19 Affect Firms’ Access to Public Capital Markets?
Congratulations Michael Halling whose paper “How Did COVID-19 Affect Firms’ Access to Public Capital Markets?” written with co-autors Jin Yu and Josef Zechner, was recently accepted for publication in...
Talent in distressed firms: New evidence from Swedish bankruptcies
Businesses worldwide are reeling from the fallout caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, and a surge in bankruptcies is expected. Using micro-data and a large sample of Swedish bankruptcies from 2003 to...
The Swedish House of Finance Award for best Master Thesis. Contributed by Nasdaq Nordic Foundation
The Swedish House of Finance awards a best thesis prize to MSc students who have used Swedish Equity Data* available from the National Data Center of the Swedish House of Finance in their work. The...
The CEPR Fifth European Workshop on Household Finance Returns
On May 7 to May 9, the CEPR Fifth European Workshop on Household Finance - a niche conference exhibiting top-tier research in the field of household finance, returns. This time to Stockholm, SHOF. The...
A glance back at 2019 - The SHoF Annual Report
The growth of non-bank finance and new monetary policy tools
How does the presence of “shadow banks” – non-bank, unregulated financial intermediaries – affect the ability of central banks to tackle a liquidity crisis? Adrien d’Avernas, Assistant Professor,...
Professor David Robinson webinar Q&A session about Covid-19 Crisis on LinkedIn
David discussed the latest federal relief efforts and what it will take to spare small businesses and float the average household through this crisis.
Corporate debt burdens threaten economic recovery after COVID-19: Planning for debt restructuring should start now
Corporate debt burdens threaten economic recovery after COVID-19: Planning for debt restructuring should start now argues Bo Becker and co-authors Ulrich Hege and Pierre Mella-Barral in VOX. Failure...