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Access to Liquidity in a Financial Crisis
The Swedish government presented a support package to Swedish companies worth up to 300 billion Swedish Krona (SEK) in order to mitigate the adverse economic effects of the Corona crisis.
Research Analyst Position in Finance
The Department of Finance at the Stockholm School of Economics seeks applications for a two-year pre-doctoral research analyst position in empirical finance funded by the Wallenberg Foundation. The...
Post-Doctoral Position in Corporate Finance
The Department of Finance at the Stockholm School of Economics seeks applications for a two-year post-doctoral position in corporate finance funded by the Wallenberg Foundation. The expected start...
Speed is of the essence
No one stands in front of a house that’s going up in flames and says, “Hey I’ve got an idea: This would be a good time to add more fire hydrants along this street.”
The Time To Act Is Now
A few days ago I posted an article in which I argued that even modest disruptions caused by self-isolation could have large-scale economic consequences. The disease transmission mechanism in that...
"The only thing we have to fear is fear itself"
This quote - taken from Franklin D. Roosevelt’s famous 1933 inauguration speech – is at least as relevant today as it was 90 years ago. In the 1930’s, it was essential to fight depression and to...
Regulations and information regarding the coronavirus
Updates about cancelled and postponed events.
Equality in Finance: An Outlook From Two of Our Female Jobmarket Candidates
International Women’s Day, on March 8, is a global celebration of women’s achievements. The theme for this year’s campaign is each for equal.
International Women's Day: Words from our Director
Research, as I see it, is not just about bringing new ideas to life: it is also about tackling old problems from new points of view. When we begin a journey from a fresh perspective, what has been...
Private Equity: Is Timing Everything?
Timing in life is everything. Yet counterintuitive to some popular beliefs, timing exposure to private equity only yields “modest gains at best,” according to new research forthcoming in the Journal...