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On Monday December 9th the Nobel Laureates visited the Swedish House of Finance and shared their experience with our younger researchers
It was an inspiring event and we thank them for taking the time to do this!
“The Brain Gain of Corporate Boards: Evidence from China”
Congratulations, Mariassunta Giannetti!
Per Strömberg (from the Swedish House of Finance) at the Nobel Prize Announcement
A new perspective on risk and return
For the last half century, the CAPM has been a fundamental model for financial valuation and the core method for characterizing the risk reward tradeoff. Despite this, the Nobel Prize winning model...
Per Strömberg teacher of the year!
MSc Teacher of the Year 2012/2013: Per Strömberg, Department of Finance at SSE and director of the Swedish House of Finance.
Nobel prize laureate William F. Sharpe at our conference 'Re-Thinking Beta'
Congratulations, Mike Burkart!
Mike's article "Legal Investor Protection and Takeovers" has been accepted by the Journal of Finance. Mike´s coauthors are Denis Gromb, Holger M. Mueller and Fausto Panunzi.
Congratulations, Ramin Baghai!
His paper "Have Rating Agencies Become More Conservative? Implications for Capital Structure and Debt Pricing" with Henri Servaes and Ane Tamayo has been accepted for publication in the Journal of...
We are happy to welcome Lars E.O. Svensson as Visiting Professor at the Swedish House of Finance, SIFR and SSE.
Re-Thinking Beta. Welcome to this year's SIFR Conference, August 22-23
Förändrad syn på risk och avkastning Victoria Veres Det senaste halvseklet har den så kallade CAPM-modellen legat till grund för finansiella bedömningar om avkastning och risk. Men den prisbelönta...