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New publication
Congratulations to Daniel Metzger whose article with Claudia Custodio on “How Do CEOs Matter? The Effect of Industry Expertise on Acquisition Returns” has been accepted by The Review of Financial...
Nordic Hedge Award
The Swedish House of Finance was represented at the prize giving ceremony on April 24th by Maria Frithz Warg, Andrejs Delmans and Kathryn Kaminski.
Bo Becker, Harvard Business School and Irina Zviadadze, London Business School have accepted our job offers and will join SSE and Swedish House of Finance July 1, 2013. Welcome!
Investor Horizons and the Amplification of Market Shocks
An executive summary of the article forthcoming in the Review of Financial Studies. Paper by Cristina Cella & Mariassunta Giannetti
Per Strömberg lectured at the Swedish Entrepreneurship Forum
On March 20th 2013 Per Strömberg participated in a seminar on Green innovations and sustainable entrepreneurship.
New publication
Congratulations to Ulf von Lilienfeld-Toal whose article with Stefan Ruenzi on “CEO Ownership, Stock Market Performance, and Managerial Discretion” has been accepted by The Journal of Finance!