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European Quant Marketing Workshop

Supported by EMAC's Quantitative Marketing SIG and Center for Retailing at Stockholm School of Economics.

Program Spring 2024

Robert-Rooderkerk.pngSpeaker: Robert Rooderkerk, Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University Rotterdam
Date/time: April 24, 2024, 15:00 – 16:30 CEST/ET. 8:00 – 9:30
Title: Winning at the Marketing-Operations Interface in Omnichannel Retail

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In an evolving marketplace, where omnichannel retail has witnessed enormous growth in recent years, how can retailers prioritize sustainability alongside the ongoing challenge of balancing marketing effectiveness and operational efficiency? This workshop discusses the tension that arises at the marketing-operations interface in omnichannel retail by presenting some of the key challenges. Drawing from real-world examples, this session focuses on the evolving role of physical stores in an omnichannel world, serving as the catalyst for profitable, frictionless, and sustainable customer journeys.

About the speaker
Robert Rooderkerk is Associate Professor of Operations Management at the Rotterdam School of Management (RSM). His research addresses retail operations challenges at the marketing-operations interface. He is particularly interested in research questions related to assortment, product lines, and fulfillment. He is interested in both empirical and conceptual research. His empirical work integrates insights from psychology and consumer behavior with techniques from econometrics and operations research. His conceptual work focuses on how new technologies, data sources, advanced analytics, and business models are reshaping the global retail landscape. His work has appeared in, for example, California Management Review, Harvard Business Review, Journal of Interactive Marketing, Journal of Marketing Research (JMR), Marketing Letters, Marketing Science, and Production and Operations Management. He is a recipient of the Dutch Marketing Science award and a finalist for the Paul Green award (JMR). He serves as a reviewer for several top journals in marketing, management, operations management, and operations research. His research has been covered by national and international newspapers, Dutch radio and tv, the Dutch Consumer Reports magazine, and BBC’s Capital blog. He is the Academic Director of the MScBA Business Analytics & Management (ranked #20 in the world) at RSM, and the Academic Director of the Retail Analytics expertise area at the Erasmus Centre for Data Analytics. He regularly advises companies on matters including assortment and product line optimization, retail analytics, and omnichannel retail. He is also a popular speaker on these topics. His teaching interests center on (omnichannel) retail operations, the marketing-operations interface, empirical research methods, and consumer decision making. He has taught to both small and large audiences, ranging from the undergraduate to the (Exec) MBA and Ph.D. level, and is the recipient of several teaching awards.


All questions, suggestions, and feedback are welcomed. Please send me an email:

Choungprayoon, Tanetpong
PhD Student
Department of Marketing and Strategy
Center for Data Analytics