The Distortive Effects of Antitrust Fines Based on Revenue
30 November 2017
By Giancarlo Spagnolo (with Vasiliki Bageri and Yannis Katsoulacos), SITE Working Paper
SMS Best Reviewer Award (again) to Ivar Padrón Hernández
29 November 2017
Sverige lanserar unikt samarbete för att skapa en hållbar finansmarknad
29 November 2017
Sveriges regering ser ett ökat behov av att skapa en hållbar finansmarknad för att stänga klyftan mellan nuvarande förändringstakt på klimat- och miljöområdet och nödvändig ambitionsnivå. Regeringen lanserar i dag ett samarbete med Stockholm Environment Institute och Handelshögskolan: Stockholm Sustainable Finance Centre.
Aid Motivation in Early and Mature Partnerships: Is there a difference?
29 November 2017
By Anders Olofsgård, Maria Perrotta and Emmanuel Frot
From abnormal to normal—Two tales of growth from 25 years of transition
29 November 2017
By Torbjörn Becker and Anders Olofsgård, SITE Working Paper
Experts from International Monetary Fund discuss innovation-driven growth policies
27 November 2017
Senior Economist Dr. Reda Cherif and Senior Economist Dr. Fuad Hasanov, from the International Monetary Fund (IMF), gave a presentation about strategies that can help emerging and low-income countries to catch up with the technological frontier and the role of the state and the private sector to achieve innovation-driven growth at the event organised by SITE and Entreprenörskapsforum.
Forskare på Handels tävlar om att bli SVERIGES bästa forskningspresentatör
27 November 2017
Lena Lid Falkman, forskare på Handelshögskolan i Stockholm, är uttagen till Finalen i Forskar Grand Prix och kan därmed bli Sveriges bästa forskningspresentatör den 28:de november. Tävlingen handlar om att framföra den mest fängslande, inspirerande och pedagogiska kortpresentationen av sin forskning i Sverige 2017.
Fraudulent phishing e-mail alert!
27 November 2017
A large number of fraudulent phishing e-mails impersonating SSE have been sent out using a non-existing e-mail address ( to companies and students around the world.
Clarification regarding SvD article
24 November 2017
Swedish daily Svenska Dagbladet (SvD) states that the percentage of female professors at SSE is 8 %. That percentage is incorrect and based on old data. SSE today has 38 professors, 7 of whom are women. The correct percentage is 18.5 %.
#MeToo, Akademiuppropet and SSE
24 November 2017
Today, November 24th, the Swedish daily Svenska Dagbladet published #Akademiuppropet where 2400 academics give numerous examples of sexual harassment within higher education.