finance and innovative investment in environmental technology: the case of sweden
13 December 2016
Launching as of today: a new report from the Mistra Financial System program by researchers Hans Lööf, Gustav Martinsson and Ali Mohammadi.
The hult prize winners in sweden announced
12 December 2016
The winners of the Hult Prize in Sweden were announced at HHS aula last Friday. Twelve teams competed which is double the number from last year. This year's challenge, which is set every year by former President Bill Clinton, was to "turn the refugee crisis into a refugee opportunity by building sustainable and scalable social enterprises that restore the rights and dignity of 10 million refugees by 2022."
Ny forskning undersöker hur företag kan bli dubbelt effektiva
12 December 2016
Docent Martin Sköld vid Handelshögskolan i Stockholm visar med sin nya bok ”Dubbelt Effektiv – Konsten att få mycket att bli mer genom att använda mindre” hur företag, oavsett bransch, kan frigöra en outnyttjad potential och därmed skapa stora konkurrensfördelar.
Marknaden bör ta större ansvar för samhället
12 December 2016
Misums filosof Joakim Sandberg i intervju om finansiella aktörer och etik i tidningen Civilekonomen.
09 December 2016
On December 5-6, 2016 Stockholm Institute of Transition Economics (SITE) hosted its annual academic conference – 25 Years of Transition. The conference brought together researchers with an interest in transition economics, to contribute to a scholarly debate on the current state of transition.
Economic Scarcity and Consumers’ Credit Choice
07 December 2016
by Chloé Le Coq (with Marieke Bos and Peter van Santen), Swedish House of Finance Research Paper
The winners of the Gunnar Hedlund Award 2015-2016 have been announced
06 December 2016
In 1997 the Boards of the Institute of International Business (IIB) at the Stockholm School of Economics (SSE), and the European International Business Academy (EIBA) decided to launch a new international award for best PhD thesis in the field of International Business, the Gunnar Hedlund Award. The prize sum amounts to €10,000.
New research funding to Misum
30 November 2016
Misum has been rewarded research finance for projects on Shared Value (funded by Skandias forskningsstiftelser with 2 MSEK over two years) and Green Financing (funded by Vinnova with 1,95 MSEK over two years.
Jonas Colliander in Dagens Nyheter
30 November 2016
Jonas comments on the credibility in crowdfunding platforms.
PhD position available financed by the Swedish Food Retailers Federation
29 November 2016
The Center for Retailing at the Stockholm School of Economics is pleased to announce a fully funded PhD position financed by the Swedish Food Retailers Federation (Svensk dagligvaruhandel).