Sara Rosengren in Dagens Nyheter
28 November 2016
Sara is commenting on the impact of influencers on brands.
Ingalill Holmberg chosen member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences (IVA)
24 November 2016
Professor Ingalill Holmberg is among the 20 new inducted members of the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences (IVA).
Torbjörn Becker investigates the depth of Russia’s oil dependence
23 November 2016
New policy brief by Torbjörn Becker, Director of the Stockholm Institute of Transition Economics, provides an analysis on the depth of Russia’s oil dependence.
Sara Rosengren - BSc Teacher of the Year 2015/2016
23 November 2016
Sara Rosengren is Associate Professor at the Stockholm School of Economics. She is also a board member of SIR and the European Advertising Academy. Since 2014 Sara is Head of Research at SSE's Center for Retailing (CFR).
Misums svenne junker intervjuad av mistra: Utbyte i Paris ska visa hur internationella beslut påverkar Sverige
23 November 2016
Svenne Junker kommer att under ett år arbeta för OECD i Paris. Han ska forska på hur hållbart företagande styrs av internationella åtaganden och beslut som är tagna utanför landets gränser. Svenne arbetar normalt i forskningsprogrammet Misum och tar nu chansen att genom satsningen Mistra Fellows få möjlighet att arbeta inom en internationell organisation.
Call for Papers: Finance, Innovation and Green Growth
22 November 2016
The Mistra Financial Program at SSE and The Centre of Excellence for Science and Innovation Studies, Royal Institute of Technology (CESIS-KTH, Stockholm) in cooperation with the Department of Economics, Sogang University, Seoul, invites submissions of unpublished papers on finance, innovation and green growth.
Misums joakim sandberg i dagen om kyrkan och etiska investeringar
21 November 2016
Intervju med Misums filosof Joakim Sandberg: "Kyrkorna fick företag att bli etiska", tidningen Dagen den 16 november 2016.
20 November 2016
The Embassy of the Republic of Poland, the Stockholm Institute of Transition Economics (SITE) and the Stockholm School of Economics invite you to register for a seminar on ‘Innovation: a key to future growth. Polish and Swedish experiences’, with the participation of the President of the Republic of Poland, Mr Andrzej Duda.
MBA scholar to strengthen Norwegian-Swedish cooperation
18 November 2016
Anders Oppeböen, Senior Profit Manager at Nordic Choice Hotels, has been awarded the SSE MBA NSHK scholarship 2017. It is given to the next generation of leaders to strengthen Norwegian and Swedish industry.
TWO new professors appointed at SSE
17 November 2016
The Board of Directors at the Stockholm School of Economics has appointed two new professors; Kalle Kraus and Henrik Nilsson.