Nicolai Tangen inspired the audience at SSE
25 March 2022
This week, SSE had the pleasure of welcoming Nicolai Tangen to the school. He is the CEO of Norges Bank Investment Management (NBIM), more commonly known as the Norwegian Oil Fund. Along with other guests such as the Ambassador of Norway, Aud Kolberg, faculty and staff from SSE discussed what Sweden and Norway could learn from each other regarding education, entrepreneurship, and business.
Why does Sweden still send financial support to Russia?
25 March 2022
Against the backdrop of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Swedish financial support to Russia has become questioned. Anders Olofsgård, Associate Professor at the Stockholm School of Economics (SSE) and Deputy Director at the Stockholm Institute of Transition Economics (SITE), explains why we need to understand what that support is actually financing and what its purpose is.
CIVICA unveils vision for 2030 and welcomes two new members
24 March 2022
As an alliance of leading European universities, CIVICA will step up efforts to shape the university of the future. CIVICA welcomes IE University (Spain) and SGH Warsaw School of Economics (Poland), thus reaching ten members.
SSE Corporate Partners join top 50 leaders in tech
24 March 2022
Leaders at several Corporate Partners have been named top 50 leaders in tech in Sweden 2022 by IDG. Two of them are Vahid Zohali, CEO at IBM Sweden, and Liselotte Andersson, working in Strategy and Business Development at Coop.
Portfolio brand growth and circular economy at H&M
23 March 2022
H&M's Retail Club had a workshop about expansion/growth and sustainability.
Nicolai Tangen, CEO of the Norwegian Oil Fund, Visiting SSE for a Lecture on Defining Moments
23 March 2022
On March 23rd, the Stockholm School of Economics had the pleasure of welcoming Nicolai Tangen, CEO of Norges Bank Investment Management (NBIM), more commonly known as the Norwegian Oil Fund, who discussed what Sweden and Norway could learn from each other regarding education, entrepreneurship, and business.
Two-Day Visit from the Swedish Golf Association at the Stockholm School of Economics
22 March 2022
On March 21th and 22th, the Swedish Golf Association spent two days at the Stockholm School of Economics. For many years, the Swedish Golf Association has been a partner to the Center for Sports and Business.
SSE professor serves on Minister for Finance's economic council
21 March 2022
Robert Östling, Professor of Economics at SSE, is one of six members on Finansministerns ekonomiska råd (the Minister for Finance's economic council). The economic council will provide Sweden’s Minister for Finance, Mikael Damberg, with policy advice on current economic and scientific issues.
Från A till B – podd med professor Micael Dahlen
21 March 2022
I podcasten belyser ekonomiprofessorn och framtidsspanaren Micael Dahlen den fossilfria omställningen och framtidens transporter. Kommer det ens vara möjligt att åstadkomma de förändringar vi vill för att kunna ställa om inför den gröna transformationen? Och hur ska elnätet räcka till?
Do sanctions from US and EU push autocracies closer to each other?
18 March 2022
What is the biggest problem with imposing sanctions on autocracies? How are the cost of sanctions shared across the sanctioned party? Jonathan Lehne, Assistant Professor at the Stockholm Institute of Transition Economics (SITE), talks about the "Fortress Russia" strategy and how the Russian economy's exposure to sanctions has changed since 2014.