Customer Insights at ICA
06 April 2022
Marie Håkansson, together with Sofie Johansson and Oscar Danielsson, all Customer Insight Managers at ICA, held a workshop at the ICA Head Office in Solna for the ICA Retail Club.
Culture Meets Sports - Martin Carlsson-Wall in an Art Talk with Fathia Mohidin
06 April 2022
On April 6th, the Director for the Center for Sports and Business, Martin Carlsson-Wall, had an interesting and interactive art talk with the artist Fathia Mohidin where they discussed how art relates to sports.
Scores Jubileumsseminarier 2022: Vad är konkurrens och hur skapas den?
06 April 2022
År 2022 firar Score 30 år med en serie bokseminarier. Torsdag 28 april kl. 15.00 presenterar Nils Brunsson och Stefan Arora-Jonsson den nya boken Competition. What it is and why it happens. Göran Sundström och Richard Swedberg är kommentatorer. Efter seminariet, som slutar runt 16.30, bjuder Score på förfriskningar och musik!
SSE students visit the University of Cambridge
05 April 2022
The course in applied history takes students to Peterhouse College and the Centre for Geopolitics, where they learn about the past from prominent historians.
Spin dictators, information wars, and the conflict in Ukraine
05 April 2022
In recent decades, a new breed of media-savvy strongmen has been redesigning authoritarian rule for a more sophisticated, globally connected world. What do we know about these "Spin Dictators"?
SSE and CSR in the World Academic Forum
04 April 2022
SSE and CSR in the World Academic Forum on TRANSFORMING THE OUTSIDE FROM THE INSIDE: Can We Really Save the Planet with Art, Imagination and Inner Development?
Welcome to a Stockholm +50 event, “Linking the E, S & G in Sustainable Finance”
04 April 2022
Torbjörn Becker in Dagens Nyheter: "Sanctions on oil could end Putin's money"
04 April 2022
In a recently published op-ed, Torbjörn Becker, Director of the Stockholm Institute of Transition Economics, discusses why Russia must be forced to pay a higher price for its war in Ukraine. Sanctions should be directed at oil and gas exports, and it is also time to increase the pressure on the banking system. Frozen Russian assets in the West could later become a good basis for Ukraine's reconstruction.
SSE establishes Chair in Entrepreneurship and Family Business
04 April 2022
The Stockholm School of Economics (SSE) is establishing a new Chair in Entrepreneurship and Family Business with sponsorship from SEB. This lays the foundation for a new research center focused on a unique mix of Family Enterprise and Family Offices in the Nordic region.
Vice Deputy Mayor of Stockholm and City Council for Sports, Karin Ernlund, Visiting SSE
01 April 2022
On April 1st, the Vice Mayor of Sports Karin Ernlund (C) and her colleague Alice Vestin visited SSE and the Center for Sports and Business. This was a follow-up meeting after the visit at the City Hall on March 8th with President Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic.