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Giving through share dividend

26 September 2019
As a private individual and owner of shares you can transfer the rights to future share dividends to SSE

Dagens Nyheter om Misums Walking the Talk-rapport "Här är företagen som lever upp till hållbarhetsmålen"

24 September 2019
"För snart tre år sedan kom en ny lag som tvingar företagen att redovisa hur de arbetar med hållbarhet. Ett forskningslag vid Handelshögskolan i Stockholm har sett över vad de 95 största börsbolagen sagt att de ska göra – och vad de gjort.

New report: "Walking the talk?" 2019

24 September 2019
There is still more talking than walking when it comes to sustainability in Sweden’s largest listed companies, and the companies continue to be short term in perspective. But Misum’s third “Walking the Talk?” report also shows that companies have moved sustainability higher up on the strategic agenda.

"De globala hållbarhetsmålen är utopiska och svåra att utvärdera"

24 September 2019
I dagarna ska FN diskutera de 17 globala målen. De mätningar som hittills gjorts visar att få länder är på rätt väg. Imorse intervjuades Misum-forskaren Ranjula Bali Swain om sin forskning kring de globala målen av Sveriges Radios Ekot.

Aging population lower real interest rates

23 September 2019
Aging can lead real interest rates to be permanently and significantly lower in the future and structural change guided by technological progress leads the hourly wage in the goods sector to grow more than in the service sector. This is shown by Andrea Papetti, researcher at the Stockholm School of Economics and economist at the European Central Bank.

Öppet seminarium: Sabina Siebert

23 September 2019
Torsdag 17 oktober gästas Scores öppna seminarium av professor Sabina Siebert, University of Glasgow. Välkommen!

Magnus Söderlund in the media

23 September 2019
After holding a seminar at a food fair, GastroSummit, in Älvsjö recently, SSE Professor Magnus Söderlund has been in the center of attention in international media.


17 September 2019
The Stockholm Institute of Transition Economics invites applications for tenure-track positions at the assistant and associate professor level.

Talk is also action: New research on CSR communication

17 September 2019
Walk-the-talk, talk-the-walk or t(w)alk? A common view is that much talk and no walk will get you nowhere – and certainly not when it comes to CSR management. You have heard it before: ‘action speaks louder than words’. But talk is not necessarily inferior to action, according to Mette Morsing, Professor and Mistra chair of sustainable markets at Stockholm School of Economics

Öppet seminarium vid Score - Delrapport NKS

16 September 2019
Välkommen till öppet seminarium om den andra delrapporteringen från forskningsprojektet Framtidens universitetssjukhus - Beslut om Nya Karolinska Solna.