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Marie Söderberg i DN om Japans ekonomiska rävsax

26 August 2019
Marie Söderberg är chef för det Europeiska institutet för Japanstudier vid Handelshögskolan. I en artikel i DN berättar hon vad vi borde ha lärt oss av Japans ekonomiska rävsax de senaste 30 åren, och hur demografin i landet hindrar ekonomin från att ta ordentlig fart.

The third cohort of K-A Bonnier International Fellows Program appointed

26 August 2019
A new cohort of four students have been appointed this prestigious scholarship, specifically geared towards students with a passion for entrepreneurship and SME growth in Southeast Asia and the Nordic countries.

House of Innovation recruits tenure track faculty in Entrepreneurship and Technology & Innovation Management

26 August 2019
The House of Innovation at the Stockholm School of Economics (SSE) currently invites applications for two tenure-track positions (Assistant Professor level).

HOI research | Why companies should regularly dust off their knowledge shelves

26 August 2019
Is it possible to use old knowledge to create new inventions? New research on knowledge recombination from House of Innovation researcher Holmer Kok suggests that so is the case.

Pressmeddelande: Ny samtida konst på Handels i The Bonnier Staircases

23 August 2019
I ett unikt samarbete mellan Handelshögskolan i Stockholm, Maria Bonnier Dahlins Stiftelse och Bonniers Konsthall kommer 28 verk ur stiftelsens samling att visas på Handelshögskolan under ett år.

Grant from the Nasdaq Nordic Foundation

20 August 2019

Professor Emeritus Karl-Erik Wärneryd has passed away

19 August 2019
A respected researcher, teacher and colleague for many years has left us.


19 August 2019
SSE researcher Mark A. Conley has received the Academy of Management Journal’s Best Paper Award for his research on motivation and gender bias in startup funding. This is the first time the prestigious award has been presented to a researcher at a Nordic institution.

Sara Rosengren in Dagens Arena

12 August 2019
Dagens Arena writes about Amazon’s business model and also effects on the Swedish retail industry if the giant establish in Sweden. Parts of the article is based on Sara Rosengren’s recent seminar in Almedalen, Visby.

Gerhard Törnqvist's scholarship 2019 goes to Carl-Philip Ahlbom

12 August 2019
Carl-Philip Ahlbom, Department of Marketing and Strategy, is rewarded with Gerhard Törnqvist's scholarship of SEK 5 000 for the best published paper by an SSE PhD student.