Long-term unemployment on its rise – a blow to the Swedish economy?
31 August 2020
"The longer a person is unemployed, the greater the probability that the individual will not return to work at all. And even if we recover from the pandemic, it is not certain that those people will return", Jesper Roine explains the risk of longterm-unemployment in a recent interview in Dagens industri.
Can government change save Belarus – the last Soviet economy
20 August 2020
SvD Näringsliv recently interviewed Torbjörn Becker – Director of Stockholm Institute of Transition Economics – sharing his impression about the current situation in Belarus and what potential role Russia have in all of this.
Torbjörn Becker in SVT Aktuellt
04 June 2020
Every week, the Swedish state pumps billions in support, grants and investments to keep Sweden in the roll. How can Sweden - which for many years saved money to reduce the central government debt - now offer a gigantic bill of money? Where does all this money come from? Torbjörn Becker explains in the latest episode of SVT Aktuellt.
Cost overrun and procurement competence in Sweden
03 June 2020
Sweden lacks both statistics and skills that enable better procurement. A statement by SITE's researcher Giancarlo Spagnolo in a new report that calls for better education and career opportunities for public procurers in an interview with Dagens Samhälle.
2 MSEK grant for the research project "Legislative reforms and violence against women"
14 May 2020
SITE Researchers Pamela Campa, Elena Paltseva, Maria Perrotta Berlin and Giancarlo Spagnolo were awarded 2 MSEK from Jan Wallanders and Tom Hedelius foundation and Tore Browaldhs foundation for their research on gender-based violence in Eastern Europe, Sweden and Canada.
Open schools saved Sweden billions of SEK
12 May 2020
In the latest episode from Vetenskapens Värld "The way out of corona", Jesper Roine among many other experts explains what the pandemic measures from the government have cost the Swedish economy. Has Sweden performed better financially compared to the other Nordic countries?
Vacancy open: Research Assistant at SITE
11 May 2020
Stockholm Institute of Transition Economics are now looking for a new Research Assistant to help out with the research and policy work of our institution. Are you our next RA this fall?
Can Increased Textbook Usage Affect Student Learning in Low-Income Countries
06 May 2020
Anders Olofsgård (Associate Professor at SITE) together with co-authors Jean-Benoit Falisse and Marieke Huysentruyt studied the impact of a simple “textbooks for self-study” incentive scheme targeting primary school students in DRC.
The shock effects of the pandemic and the authoritarian threat
15 April 2020
Six months after the corona virus first appeared, the world economy is entering a deep economic crisis that could result in political power shifts at global level. The absence of leadership in the US and the EU gives China and Russia increased confidence and leeway, according to Torbjörn Becker and co-author Martin Kragh in their latest chronicle published at Utrikesmagasinet.
Russia Economic Update — Brace for the Covid-19 Impact
07 April 2020
Russia’s oil dependence will once again contribute to an economic downturn that most certainly will follow the Covid-19 outbreak in Russia as in other countries. The decline in oil prices alone could lead to a drop in GDP of more than 8 percent. Will Russia face difficult trade-offs in dealing with the crisis at a time?